Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia, is home to about 3 million people. About 60-70% of the city's population lives in shantytowns such as the Garden District, shown below. I found the people to be friendly and sociable. As one of the few African countries that has not endured war since the end of colonization, it felt relatively safe to walk around the city. I enjoyed my (short) time there.
Garden District
The Garden District is one of Lusaka's shantytowns.
Some of the kids loved having their photograph taken; they rushed to join the group of kids already posing.
Soweto Market
This is a gigantic market, partially covered, named after the South African township of Soweto. Inside you can find everything from food to Nokia BlackBerrys (yes, you read that correctly), and lots and lots of shoes.
Other Lusaka Photos