Eve,Great site. One would guess you know something about building them...
I share your love of travel generally and Guatemala in particular.
My wife and I have been taking friends (and friends of friends) on journeys to see the ancient cultures of Guatemala, Mexico and Peru for years on a strictly avocational basis...an accomodation of what has become a voracious appetite on my part to learn more about ancient cultures and people.
Though I'm embarrassed for you to see my website (built in MSPublisher...my speed, I'm afraid) I'd be pleased with permission to use your great photo of a coatamudi there. (with photographer's credit of course and a link here or elsewhere if you wish.)
Maybe we'll run into one another some day at Machu Picchu...or on the Amazon...
Chris Jones chris@jonespro.net
-- (June 1, 2006) on Guatemala