Eve,Thanks for your very useful article. You are a unique and refreshing resource; I haven't come across many folks on the 'net who are open-minded enough to give away this kind of information. Experienced Oracle users who already know this stuff are either trying to sell a book, sell a paysite, or sell themselves. Your presentation is straightforward and unpretentious -- and, best of all, accessible to someone who knows databases other than Oracle. I have been moving an intranet web tool I created from a Postgres base to an Oracle base for my client, and your article has been very helpful, indeed.
I also browsed a few links on the rest of your site, and you are a formidable person. I was amused to find that you are from Seattle, but are currently at Neumont University in Salt Lake. I am from Salt Lake, but came to the Seattle area about the same time you left it. I must say, however, my journey was a dull straight line compared to yours. You appear to have circled the globe to get from here to Salt Lake! You have seen (and probably done) things I won't get to see and do if I lived another 100 years. So, thanks for the great photograhy that gives us a vicarious peek, and, especially, for the spot-on technical stuff. Publish more, please!
--CD Burt
-- (May 30, 2006) on Reverse Engineering a Data Model