I'm glad somebody thought to do this- one can tell that http://www.redhat.com/software/ccm/community is highly committed to their recent acquisition!
-- (August 20, 2002) on ArsDigita Archives
"The workshop tied into the entrepreneurial development class Stumpfel attended on campus last winter term. Students come armed with an idea, and then work up business plans for their technology-based ventures...'It really gives you an idea of what it would be like to start a business,' Stumpfel says. 'It's not going to be you and your buddies- it's you and your legal team and a whole bunch of other people.'"
- Caltech News, fall 2001
In other words, it's essential to have in place a team of liars that can out-lie the other guy's team of liars...
-- (February 15, 2002) on Diary of a Startup