Home > Washington, DC > Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Comparison of the density of bird bones and manatee bones.  
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Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.  Comparison of the density of bird bones and manatee bones.

Location:   Washington, DC, USA
Caption:    Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Comparison of the density of bird bones and manatee bones.
Size:   large (also available: small | medium)
Date:   January 11, 2004
Camera:   Canon PowerShot G2 4MP Digital Camera w/ 3x Optical Zoom
Copyright: For non-commercial use, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
For commercial use, please email me (referencing Photo ID 10830-washingt).
Photo ID: 10830-washingt
More Photos: See Washington, DC page.

Eve Andersson (eve@eveandersson.com)
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