One Style

defined in /eveander/eveander/tcl/ecommerce-styles.tcl, part of the style module of the ArsDigita Community System
This page shows the available information on one style defined using ad_register_styletag.


insert the standard ecommerce search bar; the category parameter can be used to specify the category that is selected in by default, and the text parameter can be used to specify the default search string.
Source code:

    upvar category_id category_id

    if { ![info exists category_id] || $category_id == ""} {
	set category [ns_set get $tagset "category"]
	if {$category == ""} {
	    set category_id ""
	} else {
	    set category_id [db_string get_cat_id "select category_id from ec_categories where category_name = :category"]

    ec_search_widget $category_id $string