-- /www/doc/sql/intranet.sql -- -- A complete revision of June 1999 by dvr@arsdigita.com -- -- mbryzek@arsdigita.com, January 2000 -- -- intranet.sql,v 2000/07/26 17:24:03 mbryzek Exp -- we store simple information about a customer -- all contact information goes in the address book create table im_customers ( group_id primary key references user_groups, deleted_p char(1) default('f') constraint im_customers_deleted_p check(deleted_p in ('t','f')), customer_status_id references categories, customer_type_id references categories, primary_contact_id references address_book, note varchar(4000), referral_source varchar(1000), annual_revenue references categories, -- keep track of when status is changed status_modification_date date, -- and what the old status was old_customer_status_id references categories, -- is this a customer we can bill? billable_p char(1) default('f') constraint im_customers_billable_p_ck check(billable_p in ('t','f')), -- What kind of site does the customer want? site_concept varchar(100), -- Who in Client Services is the manager? manager integer references users, -- How much do they pay us? contract_value integer, -- When does the project start? start_date date ); -- What types of urls do we ask for when creating a new project -- and in what order? create sequence im_url_types_type_id_seq start with 1; create table im_url_types ( url_type_id integer not null primary key, url_type varchar(200) not null unique, -- we need a little bit of meta data to know how to ask -- the user to populate this field to_ask varchar(1000) not null, -- if we put this information into a table, what is the -- header for this type of url? to_display varchar(100) not null, display_order integer default 1 ); ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Projects -- -- 1) Each project can have any number of sub-projects -- -- 2) Each (sub)project can be billed either hourly or -- monthly, but not both. If part of a contract is being -- billed hourly, create a top-level project specifying -- the monthly fee and a subproject for the work being done -- hourly. create table im_projects ( -- each project is a subgroup of the group Projects of group_type intranet -- the name of the project is the group_name group_id primary key references user_groups, parent_id integer references im_projects, customer_id integer references im_customers, project_type_id not null references categories, project_status_id not null references categories, description varchar(4000), -- fees fee_setup number(12,2), fee_hosting_monthly number(12,2), fee_monthly number(12,2), bill_hourly_p char(1) check (bill_hourly_p in ('t','f')), start_date date, end_date date, -- make sure the end date is after the start date constraint im_projects_date_const check( end_date - start_date >= 0 ), note varchar(4000), project_lead_id integer references users, -- supervisor (team leader) supervisor_id integer references users, ticket_project_id references ticket_projects, requires_report_p char(1) default('t') constraint im_project_requires_report_p check (requires_report_p in ('t','f')) ); create index im_project_parent_id_idx on im_projects(parent_id); -- we store all urls and their types create table im_project_url_map ( group_id not null references im_projects, url_type_id not null references im_url_types, url varchar(250), -- each project can have exactly one type of each type -- of url primary key (group_id, url_type_id) ); -- We need to create an index on url_type_id if we ever want to ask -- "What are all the staff servers?" create index im_proj_url_url_proj_idx on im_project_url_map(url_type_id, group_id); -- What states can our customers be in? create table im_employee_info ( user_id integer primary key references users, -- this column in out of date; now current_job_id is typically used (eveander) job_title varchar(200), job_description varchar(4000), -- is this person an official team leader? team_leader_p char(1) constraint im_employee_team_lead_con check (team_leader_p in ('t','f')), -- can this person lead projects? project_lead_p char(1) constraint im_employee_project_lead_con check (project_lead_p in ('t','f')), -- percent of a full time person this person works percentage integer, supervisor_id integer references users, -- add a constraint to prevent a user from being her own supervisor constraint iei_user_supervise_self_ck check (supervisor_id is null or user_id <> supervisor_id), group_manages varchar(100), current_information varchar(4000), --- send email if their information is too old last_modified date default sysdate not null, ss_number varchar(20), salary number(9,2), salary_period varchar(12) default 'month' constraint im_employee_salary_period_con check (salary_period in ('hour','day','week','month','year')), --- W2 information dependant_p char(1) constraint im_employee_dependant_p_con check (dependant_p in ('t','f')), only_job_p char(1) constraint im_employee_only_job_p_con check (only_job_p in ('t','f')), married_p char(1) constraint im_employee_married_p_con check (married_p in ('t','f')), dependants integer default 0, head_of_household_p char(1) constraint im_employee_head_of_house_con check (head_of_household_p in ('t','f')), birthdate date, skills varchar(2000), first_experience date, years_experience number(5,2), educational_history varchar(4000), last_degree_completed varchar(100), resume clob, resume_html_p char(1) constraint im_employee_resume_html_p_con check (resume_html_p in ('t','f')), start_date date, -- when did the employee leave the company termination_date date, received_offer_letter_p char(1) constraint im_employee_recv_offer_con check(received_offer_letter_p in ('t','f')), returned_offer_letter_p char(1) constraint im_employee_return_offer_con check(returned_offer_letter_p in ('t','f')), -- did s/he sign the confidentiality agreement? signed_confidentiality_p char(1) constraint im_employee_conf_p_con check(signed_confidentiality_p in ('t','f')), most_recent_review date, most_recent_review_in_folder_p char(1) constraint im_employee_recent_review_con check(most_recent_review_in_folder_p in ('t','f')), featured_employee_approved_p char(1) constraint featured_employee_p_con check(featured_employee_approved_p in ('t','f')), featured_employee_approved_by integer references users, featured_employee_blurb clob, featured_employee_blurb_html_p char(1) default 'f' constraint featured_emp_blurb_html_p_con check (featured_employee_blurb_html_p in ('t','f')), referred_by references users, referred_by_recording_user integer references users, experience_id integer references categories, source_id integer references categories, original_job_id integer references categories, current_job_id integer references categories, qualification_id integer references categories, department_id integer references categories, termination_reason varchar(4000), voluntary_termination_p char(1) default 'f' constraint iei_voluntary_termination_p_ck check (voluntary_termination_p in ('t','f')), recruiting_blurb clob, recruiting_blurb_html_p char(1) default 'f' constraint recruiting_blurb_html_p_con check (recruiting_blurb_html_p in ('t','f')) ); create index im_employee_info_referred_idx on im_employee_info(referred_by); --- We record logged hours in the im_hours table. create table im_hours ( user_id integer not null references users, on_what_id integer not null, on_which_table varchar(50), note varchar(4000), day date, hours number(5,2), billing_rate number(5,2), primary key(user_id, on_which_table, on_what_id, day) ); create index im_hours_table_id_idx on im_hours(on_which_table, on_what_id); create sequence im_facilities_seq start with 1; create table im_facilities ( facility_id integer primary key, facility_name varchar(80) not null, phone varchar(50), fax varchar(50), address_line1 varchar(80), address_line2 varchar(80), address_city varchar(80), address_state varchar(80), address_postal_code varchar(80), address_country_code char(2) constraint if_address_country_code_fk references country_codes(iso), contact_person_id integer references users, landlord varchar(4000), --- who supplies the security service, the code for --- the door, etc. security varchar(4000), note varchar(4000) ); -- Offices - linked to user groups create table im_offices ( group_id integer constraint im_offices_group_id_pk primary key constraint im_offices_group_id_fk references user_groups, facility_id integer constraint im_offices_facility_id references im_facilities constraint im_offices_facility_id_nn not null, --- is this office and contact information public? public_p char(1) default 'f' constraint im_offices_public_p_ck check(public_p in ('t','f')) ); -- a very simple way to add links to a particular office. -- e.g. Here are the documents for the Boston office create sequence im_office_links_seq start with 1; create table im_office_links ( link_id integer constraint iol_group_id_pk primary key, -- which office group_id integer constraint iol_group_id_nn not null constraint iol_group_id_fk references im_offices, -- which user posted this link user_id integer constraint iol_users_id_nn not null constraint iol_users_id_fk references users, url varchar(300) constraint iol_url_nn not null, link_title varchar(100) constraint iol_link_title_nn not null, active_p char(1) default('t') constraint iol_active_p_ck check (active_p in ('t','f')) ); -- configure projects to have general comments insert into table_acs_properties (table_name, section_name, user_url_stub, admin_url_stub) values ('im_projects','intranet','/admin/intranet/projects/view.tcl?group_id=','/admin/intranet/projects/view.tcl?group_id='); create or replace view im_monthly_salaries as select user_id, salary/12 as salary from im_employee_info where salary_period = 'year' union select user_id, salary from im_employee_info where salary_period = 'month'; create or replace view im_yearly_salaries as select user_id, round(salary * 12) as salary from im_employee_info where salary_period = 'month' union select user_id, salary from im_employee_info where salary_period = 'year'; show errors -- We base our allocations, employee count, etc. around -- a fundamental unit or block. -- im_start_blocks record the dates these blocks -- will start for this system. create table im_start_blocks ( start_block date not null primary key, -- We might want to tag a larger unit -- For example, if start_block is the first -- Sunday of a week, those tagged with -- start_of_larger_unit_p might tag -- the first Sunday of a month start_of_larger_unit_p char(1) default 'f' check (start_of_larger_unit_p in ('t','f')), note varchar(4000) ); -- use im_emploee_percentage_time to find out when and how -- much an employee worked or will work. -- to figure out "how many people worked in the block -- starting with start_block, take the sum the percentage_time/100 -- of the rows with that start_block create table im_employee_percentage_time ( start_block date references im_start_blocks, user_id integer references users, percentage_time integer, note varchar(4000), primary key (start_block, user_id) ); -- need to quickly find percentage_time for a given start_block/user_id create unique index im_employee_perc_time_idx on im_employee_percentage_time (start_block, user_id, percentage_time); -- tracks the money coming into a contract over time create sequence im_project_payment_id_seq start with 10000; create table im_project_payments ( payment_id integer not null primary key, group_id integer references im_projects, start_block date references im_start_blocks, fee number(12,2), -- setup, monthly, monthly_hosting, hourly, stock, other fee_type varchar(50), paid_p char(1) default 'f' check (paid_p in ('t','f')), due_date date, received_date date, note varchar(4000), last_modified date not null, last_modifying_user not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table im_project_payments_audit ( payment_id integer, group_id integer references im_projects, start_block date references im_start_blocks, fee number(12,2), -- setup, monthly, monthly_hosting, hourly, stock, other fee_type varchar(50), paid_p char(1) default 'f' check (paid_p in ('t','f')), due_date date, received_date date, note varchar(4000), last_modified date not null, last_modifying_user not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null, delete_p char(1) default 'f' check (delete_p in ('t','f')) ); create index im_proj_payments_aud_id_idx on im_project_payments_audit(payment_id); create or replace trigger im_project_payments_audit_tr before update or delete on im_project_payments for each row begin insert into im_project_payments_audit ( payment_id,group_id, start_block, fee, fee_type, paid_p, due_date, received_date, note, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( :old.payment_id, :old.group_id, :old.start_block, :old.fee, :old.fee_type, :old.paid_p, :old.due_date, :old.received_date, :old.note, :old.last_modified, :old.last_modifying_user, :old.modified_ip_address ); end im_project_payments_audit_tr; / show errors --- im_allocations is used to do predictions and tracking based on --- percentage of time/project. -- im_allocations does not have a separate audit -- table because we want to take a snapshot of allocation -- at a chosed times. create sequence im_allocations_id_seq; create table im_allocations ( --- allocation_id is not the primary key becase --- an allocation may be over several blocks of --- time. We store a row per block. --- To answer the question "what is the allocation for --- this time block, query the most recent allocation --- for either that allocation_id or user_id. allocation_id integer not null, group_id integer not null references im_projects, -- this may be null because we will rows we need to store -- rows that are currently not allocated (future hire or -- decision is not made) user_id integer references users, -- Allocations are divided up into blocks of time. -- Valid dates for start_block must be separated -- by the block unit. For example, if your block unit -- was a week, valid start_block dates may be "Sundays" -- If the start_blocks don't align, reports get very difficult. start_block date references im_start_blocks, percentage_time integer not null, --- is this allocation too small to track? --- in that case, we will set percentage_time to 0 -- and mark too_small_to_give_percentage_p = "t" too_small_to_give_percentage_p char(1) default 'f' check (too_small_to_give_percentage_p in ('t','f')), note varchar(1000), last_modified date not null, last_modifying_user not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index im_all_alloc_id_group_id_idx on im_allocations(allocation_id); create index im_all_group_id_group_id_idx on im_allocations(group_id); create index im_all_group_id_user_id_idx on im_allocations(user_id); create index im_all_group_id_last_mod_idx on im_allocations(last_modified); create table im_allocations_audit ( allocation_id integer not null, group_id integer not null references im_projects, user_id integer references users, -- Allocations are divided up into blocks of time. -- Valid dates for start_block must be separated -- by the block unit. For example, if your block unit -- was a week, valid start_block dates may be "Sundays" -- If the start_blocks don't align, reports get very difficult. start_block date references im_start_blocks, percentage_time integer not null, note varchar(1000), last_modified date not null, last_modifying_user not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); --- we will put a row into the im_allocations_audit table if --- a) another row is added with the same allocation_id and start_block --- b) another row is added with the same user_id, group_id and start_block create or replace trigger im_allocations_audit_tr before update or delete on im_allocations for each row begin insert into im_allocations_audit ( allocation_id, group_id, user_id, start_block, percentage_time,note, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( :old.allocation_id, :old.group_id, :old.user_id, :old.start_block, :old.percentage_time,:old.note, :old.last_modified, :old.last_modifying_user, :old.modified_ip_address); end; / show errors create or replace function get_start_week (v_start_date IN date) return date IS v_date_round date; v_date_next_sun date; v_date_check date; BEGIN select round(v_start_date, 'day') into v_date_round from dual; select trunc(next_day(v_start_date, 'sunday'),'day') into v_date_next_sun from dual; IF v_date_round < v_date_next_sun THEN -- we have the beginning of the week return v_date_round; END IF; v_date_check := v_start_date - 3; select round(v_date_check, 'day') into v_date_round from dual; IF v_date_round = v_date_next_sun THEN --the day is saturday, so we need to subtract one more day v_date_check := v_date_check - 1; select round(v_date_check, 'day') into v_date_round from dual; END IF; return v_date_round; END get_start_week; / show errors -- calculate the monthly fee for a given start_block and end_block create or replace function im_projects_monthly_fee(v_group_id IN integer, v_start_block IN date, v_end_block in date) return number is monthly_fee number(10,2); BEGIN select sum(fee) into monthly_fee from im_project_payments where im_project_payments.group_id = v_group_id and start_block >= v_start_block and start_block < v_end_block and fee_type <> 'setup' and fee_type <> 'stock' group by group_id; return monthly_fee; END im_projects_monthly_fee; / show errors -- calulate the setup fee for a given start_block and end_block create or replace function im_projects_setup_fee(v_group_id IN integer, v_start_block IN date, v_end_block in date) return number is monthly_fee number(10,2); BEGIN select sum(fee) into monthly_fee from im_project_payments where im_project_payments.group_id = v_group_id and start_block >= v_start_block and start_block < v_end_block and fee_type= 'setup' group by group_id; return monthly_fee; END im_projects_setup_fee; / show errors -- calulate the stock for a given start_block and end_block create or replace function im_projects_stock_fee(v_group_id IN integer, v_start_block IN date, v_end_block in date) return number is stock_fee number(10,2); BEGIN select sum(fee) into stock_fee from im_project_payments where im_project_payments.group_id = v_group_id and start_block >= v_start_block and start_block < v_end_block and fee_type= 'stock' group by group_id; return stock_fee; END im_projects_stock_fee; / show errors -- we store simple information about a customer -- all contact information goes in the address book create table im_partners ( group_id primary key references user_groups, deleted_p char(1) default('f') constraint im_partners_deleted_p check(deleted_p in ('t','f')), partner_type_id references categories, partner_status_id references categories, primary_contact_id references address_book, url varchar(200), note varchar(4000), referral_source varchar(1000), annual_revenue references categories ); -- The various procedures. Note that user-groups don't really -- work here because of the meta data we -- store (supervisor/certifier/long note) create sequence im_procedures_procedure_id_seq start with 1; create table im_procedures ( procedure_id integer not null primary key, name varchar(200) not null, note varchar(4000), creation_date date not null, creation_user integer not null references users, last_modified date, last_modifying_user integer references users ); -- Users certified to do a certain procedure create table im_procedure_users ( procedure_id integer not null references im_procedures, user_id integer not null references users, note varchar(400), certifying_user integer not null references users, certifying_date date not null, primary key(procedure_id, user_id) ); -- Occasions the procedure was done by a junior person, -- under the supervision of a certified person create sequence im_proc_event_id_seq; create table im_procedure_events ( event_id integer not null primary key, procedure_id integer not null references im_procedures, -- the person who did the procedure user_id integer not null references users, -- the certified user who supervised supervising_user integer not null references users, event_date date not null, note varchar(1000) ); -- Now the pls definitions -- Some helper functions to make our queries easier to read create or replace function im_category_from_id ( v_category_id IN integer ) return varchar IS v_category categories.category%TYPE; BEGIN select category into v_category from categories where category_id = v_category_id; return v_category; END; / show errors; create or replace function im_proj_url_from_type ( v_group_id IN integer, v_url_type IN varchar ) return varchar IS v_url im_project_url_map.url%TYPE; BEGIN begin select url into v_url from im_url_types, im_project_url_map where group_id=v_group_id and im_url_types.url_type_id=im_project_url_map.url_type_id and url_type=v_url_type; exception when others then null; end; return v_url; END; / show errors; --- Define an administration group for the Intranet begin administration_group_add ('Intranet Administration', 'intranet', 'intranet', '', 'f', '/admin/intranet/'); end; / -- Create a group type of intranet. Does nothing if the group type is already defined declare n_system_group_types integer; begin select count(*) into n_system_group_types from user_group_types where group_type = 'intranet'; if n_system_group_types = 0 then -- create the group type insert into user_group_types (group_type, pretty_name, pretty_plural, approval_policy, default_new_member_policy, group_module_administration, user_group_types_id) values ('intranet', 'Intranet', 'Intranet Groups', 'closed', 'closed', 'none', user_group_types_seq.nextval); end if; end; / -- stuff we need for the Org Chart -- Oracle will pop a cap in our bitch ass if do CONNECT BY queries -- on im_us 1 start with user_id = v_supervisor_id connect by supervisor_id = PRIOR user_id; return v_exists_p; END im_supervises_p; / show errors -- returns 1 if the employee has logged his hours within the last 7 work days create or replace function im_delinquent_employee_p ( v_employee_id IN integer, v_report_date IN date, v_interval IN integer) RETURN integer IS v_vacation_days integer; v_total_days integer; v_work_days integer; v_employee_start_date date; v_delinquent_employee_p integer; BEGIN v_delinquent_employee_p := 0; -- fetch the number of vacation days between (trunc(v_report_date) - v_interval) -- and (trunc(v_report_date)) SELECT nvl(sum(least(end_date,trunc(v_report_date)) - greatest(start_date,trunc(v_report_date)-v_interval) + 1),0) INTO v_vacation_days FROM user_vacations where (start_date between trunc(v_report_date)-v_interval and trunc(v_report_date) or end_date between trunc(v_report_date)-v_interval and trunc(v_report_date)) and user_id = v_employee_id; v_work_days := v_interval - v_vacation_days; v_total_days := v_interval + v_vacation_days; -- while there are < v_interval valid work days, look for more valid work days WHILE v_work_days < v_interval LOOP -- fetch the number of vacation days between (trunc(v_report_date) - v_total_days) -- and (trunc(v_report_date)) SELECT nvl(sum(least(end_date,trunc(v_report_date)) - greatest(start_date,trunc(v_report_date)-v_total_days) + 1),0) INTO v_vacation_days FROM user_vacations where (start_date between trunc(v_report_date)-v_total_days and trunc(v_report_date) or end_date between trunc(v_report_date)-v_total_days and trunc(v_report_date)) and user_id = v_employee_id; v_work_days := v_total_days - v_vacation_days; v_total_days := v_interval + v_vacation_days; END LOOP; SELECT start_date INTO v_employee_start_date from im_employee_info where user_id = v_employee_id; v_total_days := greatest(least(v_total_days,trunc(v_report_date)-v_employee_start_date+1),0); select nvl(count(1),0) into v_delinquent_employee_p from users u where user_id = v_employee_id and exists (select 1 from im_employee_percentage_time pt where user_id = u.user_id and start_block between trunc(sysdate)-7 and trunc(sysdate) and percentage_time > 0) and not exists (select 1 from im_hours h where user_id = u.user_id and day between trunc(v_report_date)-v_total_days and trunc(v_report_date) and day > v_employee_start_date) and trunc(v_report_date) - v_total_days - 7 > v_employee_start_date; return v_delinquent_employee_p; END; / show errors; -- we need an easy way to get all information about -- active employees create or replace view im_employees_active as select u.*, info.JOB_TITLE, info.JOB_DESCRIPTION, info.TEAM_LEADER_P, info.PROJECT_LEAD_P, info.PERCENTAGE, info.SUPERVISOR_ID, info.GROUP_MANAGES, info.CURRENT_INFORMATION, info.LAST_MODIFIED, info.SS_NUMBER, info.SALARY, info.SALARY_PERIOD, info.DEPENDANT_P, info.ONLY_JOB_P, info.MARRIED_P, info.DEPENDANTS, info.HEAD_OF_HOUSEHOLD_P, info.BIRTHDATE, info.SKILLS, info.FIRST_EXPERIENCE, info.YEARS_EXPERIENCE, info.EDUCATIONAL_HISTORY, info.LAST_DEGREE_COMPLETED, info.RESUME, info.RESUME_HTML_P, info.START_DATE, info.RECEIVED_OFFER_LETTER_P, info.RETURNED_OFFER_LETTER_P, info.SIGNED_CONFIDENTIALITY_P, info.MOST_RECENT_REVIEW, info.MOST_RECENT_REVIEW_IN_FOLDER_P, info.FEATURED_EMPLOYEE_APPROVED_P, info.FEATURED_EMPLOYEE_BLURB_HTML_P, info.FEATURED_EMPLOYEE_BLURB, info.REFERRED_BY from users_active u, (select * from im_employee_info info where sysdate>info.start_date and sysdate > info.start_date and sysdate <= nvl(info.termination_date, sysdate) and ad_group_member_p(info.user_id, (select group_id from user_groups where short_name='employee')) = 't' ) info where info.user_id=u.user_id; create or replace function im_project_ticket_project_id ( v_group_id IN integer ) RETURN integer IS v_project_id ticket_projects.project_id%TYPE; BEGIN v_project_id := 0; BEGIN select project_id into v_project_id from ticket_projects where group_id=v_group_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; return v_project_id; END; / show errors; -- Populate all the status/type/url with the different types of -- data we are collecting create or replace function im_first_letter_default_to_a ( p_string IN varchar ) RETURN char IS v_initial char(1); BEGIN v_initial := substr(upper(p_string),1,1); IF v_initial IN ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z') THEN RETURN v_initial; END IF; RETURN 'A'; END; / show errors; -- at given stages in the employee cycle, certain checkpoints -- must be competed. For example, the employee should receive -- an offer letter and it should be put in the employee folder create sequence im_employee_checkpoint_id_seq; create table im_employee_checkpoints ( checkpoint_id integer primary key, stage varchar(100) not null, checkpoint varchar(500) not null ); create table im_emp_checkpoint_checkoffs ( checkpoint_id integer references im_employee_checkpoints, checkee integer not null references users, checker integer not null references users, check_date date, check_note varchar(1000), primary key (checkee, checkpoint_id) ); -- We need to keep track of in influx of employees. -- For example, what employees have received offer letters? create table im_employee_pipeline ( user_id integer primary key references users, state_id integer not null references categories, office_id integer references user_groups, team_id integer references user_groups, prior_experience_id integer references categories, experience_id integer references categories, source_id integer references categories, job_id integer references categories, projected_start_date date, -- the person at the company in charge of reeling them in. recruiter_user_id integer references users, referred_by integer references users, note varchar(4000), probability_to_start integer ); -- keep track of the last_modified on im_employee_info create or replace trigger im_employee_info_last_modif_tr before update on im_employee_info for each row DECLARE BEGIN :new.last_modified := sysdate; END; / show errors; -- views on intranet categories to make queries cleaner create or replace view im_project_status as select category_id as project_status_id, category as project_status from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Project Status'; create or replace view im_project_types as select category_id as project_type_id, category as project_type from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Project Type'; create or replace view im_customer_status as select category_id as customer_status_id, category as customer_status from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Customer Status'; create or replace view im_customer_types as select category_id as customer_type_id, category as customer_type from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Customer Type'; create or replace view im_partner_status as select category_id as partner_status_id, category as partner_status from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Partner Status'; create or replace view im_partner_types as select category_id as partner_type_id, category as partner_type from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Partner Type'; create or replace view im_prior_experiences as select category_id as experience_id, category as experience from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Prior Experience'; create or replace view im_hiring_sources as select category_id as source_id, category as source from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Hiring Source'; create or replace view im_job_titles as select category_id as job_title_id, category as job_title from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Job Title'; create or replace view im_departments as select category_id as department_id, category as department from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Department'; create or replace view im_qualification_processes as select category_id as qualification_id, category as qualification from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Qualification Process'; create or replace view im_annual_revenue as select category_id as revenue_id, category as revenue from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Annual Revenue'; create or replace view im_employee_pipeline_states as select category_id as state_id, category as state from categories where category_type = 'Intranet Employee Pipeline State'; create or replace function im_cust_status_from_id ( v_status_id IN integer ) return varchar IS v_status im_customer_status.customer_status%TYPE; BEGIN select customer_status into v_status from im_customer_status where customer_status_id = v_status_id; return v_status; END; / show errors; -- teadams create sequence intranet_task_board_id_seq; create table intranet_task_board ( task_id integer primary key, task_name varchar(200) not null, body clob not null, next_steps varchar(1000), post_date date, -- person who posted the job poster_id integer references users(user_id), -- how long this task should take time_id integer references categories(category_id), -- if this visible right now; when the task is filled -- removed the job active_p char(1) check (active_p in ('t','f')), -- post this task until a given date expiration_date date ); -- INTRANET STATUS REPORT -- all employee status report preferences go in here create table im_status_report_preferences ( user_id integer not null constraint isrp_user_id_fk references im_employee_info, -- a space separated list of sections not to be displayed -- in the customized status report killed_sections varchar(4000), -- a space separated list of offices not to be displayed -- in the customized status report killed_offices varchar(4000), -- whether to display just my projects or everyone's in -- the customized status report my_projects_only_p char(1) default ('f') constraint isrp_my_projects_only_p_ck check (my_projects_only_p in ('t','f')), -- whether to display just my customer groups or everyone's in -- the customized status report my_customers_only_p char(1) default ('f') constraint isrp_my_customers_only_p_ck check (my_customers_only_p in ('t','f')) ); -- a mapping of status report sections and Tcl procedures create table im_status_report_sections ( sr_section_id integer constraint isrs_sr_section_id_pk primary key, -- the name of the status report section sr_section_name varchar(50) not null constraint isrs_sr_section_name_un unique, -- the name of the Tcl procedure used to generate -- the status report section sr_function_name varchar(50) not null constraint isrs_sr_function_name_un unique ); create sequence sr_section_id_sequence start with 1; -- insert sections into im_status_report_sections insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Population Count', 'im_num_employees'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'New Employees', 'im_recent_employees'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Future Employees', 'im_future_employees'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Employees Out of the Office', 'im_absent_employees'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Future Office Excursions', 'im_future_absent_employees'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Delinquent Employees', 'im_delinquent_employees'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Downloads', 'im_downloads_status'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Customers: Bids Out', 'im_customers_bids_out'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Customers: Status Changes', 'im_customers_status_change'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'New Registrants', 'im_new_registrants'); insert into im_status_report_sections (sr_section_id, sr_section_name, sr_function_name) values (sr_section_id_sequence.nextval, 'Progress Reports', 'im_project_reports'); commit; -- END INTRANET STATUS REPORTS @intranet-population.sql