Defined in packages/acs-core/utilities-procs.tclSearches through an array specified by -array
for dynamic form variables and converts to a list of key/value pairs,
optionally setting the variables in the caller's environment. The returned list matches the input to ad_export_dynamic_form_vars
from the calling page. To use this function, add a variable to the ad_page_contract
on the page
that is receiving the form variables called dynamic_vars
that is flagged:array,multiple,optional.
Alternatively, you can use whatever name you want, but be to sure to specify that by using the -array flag.
Then in the body of the page, call this function to get back the list of key value pairs.
set page_content ""
# We have an ad_page_contract with dynamic_vars:array,multiple,optional
set dynamic_list [ad_import_dynamic_form_vars -set_vars]
append page_content "Retrieving dynamic form variables for $user_name:
foreach item $dynamic_list {
append page_content "Key: [lindex $item 0] ; Value: [lindex $item 1]
append page_content "We used -set_vars so the vars are declared in the enviroment as well.
foreach item $dynamic_list {
append page_content "The value of [lindex $item 0] is [subst $[lindex $item 0]].
doc_return 200 text/html $page_content
- Switches:
-array (defaults to
) - The base name of the dynamic form variables.
-index (optional) - An optional list of the form (array_name var1 ... varN) where array_name is a name of an array variable
var1 through varN are the indices into the array. If this is specified, variables of the form array_name(var1) are accumulated in
the list to be returned. This is useful if the incoming form variables are genearted from <INPUT> tags in the HTML form in which
case ad_export_dynamic_form_variables cannot be used. -array is ignored if you specify this flag.
-set_vars (boolean) - If set, all of the dynamic variables will be set in the page's environment overwriting previous values.
- Author:
- Bryan Quinn