ad_dimensional : API Browser : ad_dimensional


ad_dimensional option_list [ url ] [ options_set ] [ optionstype ]
Defined in packages/acs-core/table-display-procs.tcl

Generate an option bar as in the ticket system;

  • option_list -- the structure with the option data provided
  • url -- url target for select (if blank we set it to ns_conn url).
  • options_set -- if not provided defaults to [ns_getform], for hilite of selected options.
  • optionstype -- only url is used now, was thinking about extending so we get radio buttons and a form since with a slow select updating one thing at a time would be stupid.

option_list structure is

        {variable "Title" defaultvalue
                {value "Text" {key clause}}

    an example:

    set dimensional_list {
        {visited "Last Visit" 1w {
            {never "Never" {where "last_visit is null"}}
            {1m "Last Month" {where "last_visit + 30 > sysdate"}}
            {1w "Last Week" {where "last_visit + 7 > sysdate"}}
            {1d "Today" {where "last_visit > trunc(sysdate)"}}
        ..(more of the same)..

url (optional)
options_set (optional)
optionstype (defaults to "url")
[ show source ]

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