User accessible pages: /manuals/
Manual editing pages: /manuals/admin/
Manual administration pages: /admin/manuals/
Data model: /doc/sql/manuals.sql
Printable versions of the manual are produced using HTMLDOC. Readers can download the complete manual in HTML or PDF; PostScript is an option but almost never what you want to offer for download because of size relative to PDF.
As an option, the system can be configured to use CVS to manage version control for section content. If there is any chance of concurrent edits, CVS should be installed and turned on in this module. Trying to avoid this by keeping track of locks in the database is ugly and we don't support it because basically you just end up with a bad re-implementation of CVS.
and manual_figures
holds the name of each manual stored on
the system. Additional information we keep includes the owner of the
manual and the scope of the document (public or restricted to a group).
create table manuals ( manual_id integer primary key, -- title of the manual title varchar(500) not null unique, -- compact title used to generate file names, e.g. short_name.pdf short_name varchar(100) not null unique, -- person responsible for the manual (editor-in-chief) owner_id references users(user_id) not null, -- a string containing the author or authors which will -- be included on the title page of the printable version author varchar(500), -- copyright notice (may be null) copyright varchar(500), -- string describing the version and/or release date of the manual version varchar(500), -- if scope=public, this manual is viewable by anyone -- if scope=group, this manual is restricted to group members scope varchar(20) not null, -- if scope=group, this is the owning group_id group_id references user_groups, -- is this manual currently active? active_p char(1) default 'f' check (active_p in ('t','f')), -- notify the editor-in-chief on all changes to the manual notify_p char(1) default 't' check (notify_p in ('t','f')), -- insure consistent state constraint manual_scope_check check ((scope='group' and group_id is not null) or (scope='public')) );
holds information about the sections of
the manuals:
create table manual_sections ( section_id integer primary key, -- which manual this section belongs to manual_id integer references manuals not null, -- a string we use for cross-referencing this section label varchar(100), -- used to determine where this section fits in the document hierarchy sort_key varchar(50) not null, -- title of the section section_title varchar(500) not null, -- user who first created the section creator_id references users(user_id) not null, -- notify the creator whenever content is edited? notify_p char(1) default 'f' check (notify_p in ('t','f')), -- user who last edited content for this section last_modified_by references users(user_id), -- is there an html file associated with this section? content_p char(1) default 'f' check (content_p in ('t','f')), -- determines whether a section is displayed on the user pages active_p char(1) default 't' check (active_p in ('t','f')), -- we may want to shorten the table of contents by not displaying all sections display_in_toc_p char(1) default 't' check (display_in_toc_p in ('t','f')), -- make sure that sort_keys are unique within a give manual unique(manual_id,sort_key) -- want to add the following but can't figure out the syntax -- contraint manual_label_check check ((label is null) or (unique(manual_id,label)) );The sort key uses a system similar to that in the threaded bboard system, whereby sections sort lexigraphically and the depth is determined by the length of the sort key. Ex.,
High level administration occurs in /admin/manuals/. Here, administrators can add or delete manuals, change owners, authorize editors or otherwise dramatically alter the properties of a manual.
Editorial tasks are handled in /manuals/admin/. Here the editor of a manual can add, delete or edit sections of a manual and manipulate the figures contained in a manual.
The system uses CVS to provide support for multiple, simultaneous editors. This means that multiple editors can work on section content at the same time without clobbering each other's changes. Using CVS has the added bonus of keeping a record of what changes were made and by whom.
Figure numbers are generated automatically based on the order they are referenced within the sections of a manual. This requires global processing of the document and can be a relatively expensive operation (compared to the executation time to construct a typical web page). Figure numbers can get out-of-sync whenever figures are added, removed, or rearranged. A figure-numbering procedure runs nightly to update figure numbers, but this can also be done on demand from the admin page for a manual.
We run a nightly proc to shove all the parts of each manual into one big file then run HTMLDOC on it to generate PostScript and PDF versions of the manual. This is easy.
The hard part is getting around how braindead HTMLDOC is. First, it requires a strict heirarchy for heading tags. This is accomplished by forbidding the authors from putting any <H#> tags by hand. All heading tags are generated on the fly at the appropriate level based on the table of contents for the manual.
It works out that this is not the only stupidity in HTMLDOC's
parser. Things like
<p><u>some text</p></u>
confuse it. While most HTML editors are standard compliant in this
respect, it seems that MS Word really likes to produce stuff like
this. I don't know of any solution to this other than strongly
encouraging authors not to use MS Word to generate their documents.
Since the HTML produced by Word is deficient in several other ways,
this probably won't be a big problem.
Yet another fun aspect of HTMLDOC is that it seems to have some problems with images if an absolute path is given, although I'm just guessing here since this doesn't seem to be documented.
Currently we are using HTMLDOC version 1.7. The latest version is 1.8.4. Possibly some of these problems are solved in later releases. However, there doesn't seem to be a version history on their web page, so the only way to find out seems to be to download the new version and install it and see.
Each section and figure has an entry in the database,
, which is used to make references. Instead of
using IMG tags, authors insert images with the tag
<FIGURE NAME="label">
References to figures in the text use
<FIGREF NAME="label">
A similar construct is used for referring to sections:
<SECREF NAME="label">
When a manual section is served, the above tags are replaced as follows:
<SECREF NAME="label">
<A HREF="section-view?manual_id=$manual_id§ion_id=$section_id">$section_name</A>
<FIGREF NAME="label">
<A HREF="#label">Figure $sort_key</A>
<A TARGET=OTHER HREF="figure-view?manual_id=$manual_id&figure=label">Figure $sort_key</A>
<FIGURE NAME="label">
<A NAME="label"> |
with values pulled out of the database as appropriate.
When the text of a section is uploaded or edited, we parse the file to look for any references which aren't already in the database. References to nonexistant sections are not allowed and the user must go back and change the offending reference. References to unknown figures send the user to a page where they can upload a figure from their hard drive to the server.