Download Design Documentation
Alan Dickens
I. Essentials
Terminology: for purposes of this document, a "downloadable" is a
collection of one or more files, together which constitute the different
versions of a file. For example, all the different releases of the
ArsDigita Community System, when taken together, consist of a downloadable.
II. Introduction
The Download application provides a system to facilitate user downloads
of versioned releases of a file. Each downloadable
group of files may be of any format or
content, but typically are software or other data.
From the user's perspective the system offers a set of files
available for download. These files are grouped according to download
name - this name is the general name for one or more files that are
different versions of the same file. For example, the name of the
download may be "ArsDigita Community System", and the versions might
include v.4.0b and v.3.4.6.
From an administrators perspective, the Download application offers
the capability to make versions of a file available to users, indicate
which version is the most current, to optionally require payment for
the download of files, and to track (and if desired SPAM) users who
have downloaded specific files.
III. Historical Considerations
The Download application was originally developed by Philip Greenspun, and
is one of the older applications in the ACS.
It was substantially enhanced in fall of 1999 by
Sarah Ahmed, and in spring of 2000
ownership passed to
Alan Dickens.
IV. Comptetitive Analysis
Many existing sites implement similar functionality with a FTP
(File Transfer Protocol) server. FTP provides a convenient
mechanism for transfering files, but provides none of the
versioning, descriptive, adminstrative, or reporting features
present in the Download application.
V. Design Tradeoffs
When designing the download system, the decision was made not to store
the files in the database (as lobs) but rather to store them using the
file system of the web server. This has various implications for
server configuration, system administration, and backup procedures.
Server configuration must account for the size of files anticipated to
be made available as part of the download module, and hard drive space
must be made available to accomodate the files. In a multi-disk server,
there may be contention issues regarding which disk(s) the downloadable
file are stored on; resolution of these issues is beyond the scope of
this document.
From a system administration perspective, the directories in which the
downloadable files are to be written must be accessible to the web
server. From a data safety perspective, backup procedures must account
for the presence of this important content not in the database but rather
as part of the file system. Backup procedures must be designed to account
for the files in a manner consistent with the frequency that new versions
are made available on the server.
VI. Data Model Discussion
This system consists of several tables and a pair of PL/SQL functions
used to determine access permissions.
The downloads table is the master table that stores information
about each set of downloadable files. In addition to the user visible
name, it stores the directory name where the different versions of the
downloadable are kept, and permissioning regarding who (which groups)
of users are allowed to access the file. It also keeps a human readable version of
the downloadable name. Finally, it also keeps various auditing
information about the downloadable.
The download_versions table keeps the individual versions of each
download. Each version has a seperate id, version number and description,
as well as the filename used to access the version.
The download_rules table contains rules about which classes of
users are allowed to see and download which files. This is quite
useful to (for example) allow all paid users of version 1.2 to download
1.2.1 for free.
Next, a pair of PL/SQL functions to determine who can see
each file, and also who is allowed to download each one. The
function download_viewable_p is used to determine if a user can view
a file, while the function download_authorized_p determines if a
user is authorized to download the file.
Finally, the download_log table tracks who has downloaded
which versions of which files,
including their reasons (optional) for downloading the file.
VII. Legal Transactions
From the Maintainer's administrative pages at /download/admin
or /groups/admin//download/ the download maintainer can
- View an individually selectable list of all downloadables
- Add a new downloadable to the system
- View documentation on the download system
- View the user pages for the download system
After selecting a downloadable, the maintainer can
- View information about that downloadable, including:
- Download Name
- Directory Name
- Description
- Edit the above mentioned information about the downloadable
- Remove the downloadable
- Upload a new version of the file to the downloadable
- A selectable list (divided by version status) of all versions
of the file that compose the downloadable
- Add Rules regarding which users can see the various versions
of the downloadable, and costs (if any) associated with downloading
those version
- View a history of downloads of various versions of the downloadable
When uploading a new version into the downloadable, the maintainer
must supply:
- The file to the uploaded
- The name given to the file in the downloadable
- The version of the new file in the downloadable
- The status of the version:
- Promote - offer first to the user
- Offer If Asked - offer only if the user asks to see older versions
- Removed - do not offer to the user (primarily used for obsolete versions)
- The date that the version should be made available
- A description (optionally containing HTML formatting tags) of the version
When viewing an individual version of the file in the downloadable,
the maintainer can:
- View various infomration associated with that version
- Edit the information associated with that
version (including updating the status)
- Remove that version (strongly discouraged except for
really truly ancient versions of the file)
- View a download history of the file
When adding a rule regarding the downloadable, the maintainer can
- Which version of the downloadable the rule applies to (or all versions)
- Whether the affected version(s) are visible to all users or just
a group of uers (e.g. only registered users)
- Whether the affected version(s) are available to all users or just
a group of uers (e.g. only registered users)
- The price (if any) and currency associated with accessing the
version(s) in question
When viewing the Download History, the maintainer may be viewing the
history for the entire downloadable, or just for a single version of the
file. This history shows:
- The name of the downloading user
- The email address of the downloading user
- The date of the download
- The IP address from which the download occured
- The version downloaded
- The current status of that version
- A link to the reason for the download
- A link to remove the log of that download
From this page, the maintainer can:
- SPAM (send mail to) all users reported on the page
- View all the Download Reasons given by those users
The Download application provides the following scripting (TCL) procedures which
developers might find useful:
download_serve { conn context }
: give the conn and context,
this procedure attempts to:
- Compose the true name of the file requested
- If no version id is specified, offer the most recent version
- Determine if the user has permission to download the file
- If so, return the file to the user, logging the event
download_admin_authorize { download_id }
: given
download_id, this procedure will check whether the user has
administration rights over this download. if download doesn't exist
page is served to the user informing him that the download doesn't
exist. If successfull it will return user_id of the administrator.
download_version_admin_authorize { version_id }
: given
version_id, this procedure will check whether the user has
administration rights over this download. if download doesn't exist
page is served to the user informing him that the download doesn't
exist. If successfull it will return user_id of administrator.
proc_doc download_version_authorize { version_id }
: given
version_id, this procedure will check whether the user has visibility
rights over this download. if download doesn't exist page is served to
the user informing him that the download doesn't exist. If successfull
it will return user_id of the user.
proc_doc download_mkdir { dirname }
: Ensures that \$dirname
exists. Won't cause
an error if the directory is already there. Better than the stardard
mkdir because it will make all the directories leading up to
\$dirname". Used when creating a new downloadable to create the
directory in which the download files will reside.
download_version_delete { version_id }
deletes the download version file from file storage
and related data from the database .
download_date_form_check { form date_name }
: checks
that date_name is a valid date. Returns a list of date_name
exception_count, exception_text. Sets date_name to a YYYY-MM-DD format.
IX. User Interface
The Site-wide Administrator Interface
When the administrator decides to add a new downloadable file to
the system, first the download directory must be created. In the
current version of the module, this takes the form of the "Add New
Download" function on the admin pages. Doing this function only
creates the directory in which the downloadable files are stored.
Actually placing the files in that directory is a second and
seperate step. To upload a file to the server, select the
directory name from the admin screens and then choose "Upload
New Version" command. This allows the administrator to place
a file on the server that is downloadable by users.
The User Interface
To regular users, the downloadable file is visible based on the
assigned name assigned when the download directory was created,
combined with the version number. This isn't always the most
obvious presentation of download filename, and will likely be
customized by applications that offer other than software
Downloads with a status of "promote" are offered on the top-level
/download/ page. Downloads with a status of "offer_if_asked" are
available on a drill-down page of "/download/one" where multiple
versions of the same download may be offered. Downloads with a status
of "removed" are only shown to the site or group administrator who has
the option of changing their status or looking at an old version.
Users can see all files available for download (even before registration).
However, upon actual download request of a file, the system checks the
user's registration status and the visibility (e.g. "all", "registered_users",
or "group_members") of the specific file and permits download accordingly
(e.g. non_registered users are only allowed to anonymously download files
with visibility="all", he is required to login otherwise).
X. Configuration/Parameters
The directory into which the /download/ directory is placed
(generally /web/server_name/) must be write accessible to nsadmin.
This can either be accomplished by making the owner nsadmin or changing
the permissions so that nsadmin has write privileges. Either way, if
nsadmin can't write to this directory, an error indicating that "Folder
could not be created" will result.
If the intended use of the Download Application
involves documents that can be opened by a program on the
receiving machine (e.g. files of type .jpg, .doc,
.pdf, etc.), then the AOLserver's .ini file (not
the ACS .ini file) must be modified
to make AOLServer aware of these file types.
This entry in the .ini file takes the form:
XI. Acceptance Test
You should test adding new downloads, upload versions of existing
downloads, adding rules to all versions/specific version of a download,
edit/remove download data, download a file, view download history.
Suggested Steps:
- Add a new download
- Upload a new version of the download
- Add a rule to the download
- Edit the download data
- Go to user pages and download the version
- Go back to admin pages and view the download history
- Remove the version
- Remove the whole download
XII. Future Improvements
- Although the data
model supports "purchaser"/ "previous purchaser" user visibility,
the functionality of charging for access to a downloadable file has
not been implemented.
It could be tied to a future version of the ecommerce application or be
- Enhanced statistics and demographics: instead of just asking
for a simple comment (on why the user is downloading), instead
ask a set of survey questions.
- Enhanced reporting: the ability to view downloads from [date]
to [date], a breakdown of the total number of downloads by month,
group downloads by domain name, and be able to view some results
- At-a-Glance reporting: at the download/admin pages, each
downloadable could show the total number of downloads, the number in
the last month, and the number in the last week. These numbers
should be drill downable to be able to see more detail on which
versions were downloaded.
XIII. Authors