ArsDigita Archives

Security and Session Tracking in ACS

by Jon Salz

ACS Documentation : ACS Core Architecture Guide : Security and Sessions in ACS

The Problem

HTTP is a stateless protocol, but nearly all nontrivial Web services are stateful. We need to provide a way to maintain state within a session. Such state includes the user's preferences, login information if any (although the solution needs to be general enough to handle anonymous sessions), and an identifier for the session itself. This session identifier absolutely must remain constant from the moment a user enters to the site to the moment he or she is done (even if the user logs in or switches to HTTPS in the meantime!) so our clickstreaming software can ably analyze the users' behavior.

We need to provide different levels of security for different parts of this state:

  • No security at all, e.g., information used for clickstreaming analysis. We don't care if a wrong session ID gets logged here and there.
  • Basic security, e.g., login information. The user mustn't be able to edit his cookie file and change his login to masquerade as someone else, or merely fiddle with his session identifier to hijack someone else's session.
  • Virtually bulletproof, e.g., ordering information during an e-commerce session. We need to be absolutely sure that no information sent in the clear (over insecure HTTP) can be sniffed and used to gain access to sensitive information sent securely; thus we need separate protection mechanisms for insecure and secure connections.
The new security and session-tracking subsystem needs to consolidate the myriad ways in place now for maintaining and securing session and persistent state (including login information). It must remember the last time the user visited the site, so we can determine which material on the site is new since the user's last visit.

The Solution

Tracking and Securing Sessions

We now use only the following cookies to track sessions (ideally, no one will ever have to set another cookie again):
  • ad_browser_id is an integer which is unique to a particular browser. It is persistent, set to expire way in the future, so it survives even when the users closes their browsers. We issue ad_browser_id whenever we receive an HTTP request from a client that doesn't already have it set.

  • ad_session_id takes the following form:
    ad_session_id := session-id,user-id,token-string,last-issue
    • session-id is a unique integer identifier for the session. This is pulled directly from a sequence - we don't care if a user can guess other users' session identifiers (by adding or subtracting a small integer from their own).
    • user-id is the user's ACS ID.
    • token-string is a TokenLength-character random string constructed from base64 characters (number, upper- and lowercase letters, period, and slash). It is used as a secret to protect the session - we shouldn't allow access to session-specific data unless we know the user has the token right. (We refer to this as the insecure token string since it may be sent unencrypted.)
    • last-issue is the time (in seconds since the epoch) when the cookie was last issued. Whenever we see that this is more than SessionCookieReissue seconds in the past, we reissue the cookie.

    Note that TokenLength and SessionCookieReissue are parameters configurable in the local .ini file.

    We issue ad_session_id, like ad_browser_id, whenever we receive an HTTP request from a client that doesn't already have it set. We keep this cookie set to expire SessionTimeout seconds in the future (plus or minus SessionCookieReissue seconds).

  • ad_secure_token is another TokenLength-character random string which is only ever transmitted over SSL (it has Secure specified in the Set-Cookie header). Even if someone sniffs the session identifier and grabs the insecure token string, they will never be able to gain access to this secure token string.

    This cookie is only ever sent to a client once, so there's positively no way we could make the mistake of sending it to two users (one masquerading as the other). Furthermore, when the secure token is issued (typically on a client's first access to the site via HTTPS) we reissue the insecure token as well. This way, if Gus sniffs Mary's insecure token and proceeds to make a secure access to the site (receiving her secure token), Mary's insecure session will stop working, limiting Gus's ability to mess with her.

  • ad_user_login is of the following form:
    ad_user_login := user-id,permanent-login-token

    permanent-login-token is a TokenLength-character random string stored in the login_token field of a row in sec_login_tokens. This cookie is persistent, and allows the user to log into ACS without having to explicitly type a login name and password. If the user logged in securely (over SSL), this cookie is only ever transmitted over SSL; otherwise, we assume the user doesn't care about security anyway and let it be transmitted in the clear.

When appropriate we log this information to, and check it against, the following table (caching to minimize hits to the database):
create table sec_sessions (
    -- Unique ID (don't care if everyone knows this)
    session_id            integer primary key,
    user_id               references users,
    -- A secret used for unencrypted connections
    token                 varchar(50) not null,
    -- A secret used for encrypted connections only. not generated until needed
    secure_token          varchar(50),
    browser_id            integer not null,
    -- Make sure all hits in this session are from same host
    last_ip               varchar(50) not null,
    -- When was the last hit from this session? (seconds since the epoch)
    last_hit              integer not null
We populate secure_token only when we issue a secure token (the first time the client makes an access to the site over HTTPS).

Maintaining Session- and Browser-Specific State

In order to let programmers write code to preserve state on a per-session or per-browser basis without sending lots of cookies, we maintain the following tables:

create table sec_session_properties (
    session_id     references sec_sessions not null,
    module         varchar2(50) not null,
    property_name  varchar2(50) not null,
    property_value varchar2(4000),
    -- transmitted only across secure connections?
    secure_p       char(1) check(secure_p in ('t','f')),
    primary key(session_id, module, property_name),
    foreign key(session_id) references sec_sessions on delete cascade

create table sec_browser_properties (
    browser_id     integer not null,
    module         varchar2(50) not null,
    property_name  varchar2(50) not null,
    property_value varchar2(4000),
    -- transmitted only across secure connections?
    secure_p       char(1) check(secure_p in ('t','f')),
    primary key(browser_id, module, property_name)
A client module needing to save or restore session- or browser-specific state uses the new ad_get_client_property and ad_set_client_property routines, which manage access to the table (caching as appropriate). This way they don't have to set their own cookies, and as a bonus they don't have to worry about users tampering with contents!

In general, use session-level properties when you want the properties to expire when the current session ceases (e.g., items in a shopping cart). Use browser-level properties which the properties should never expire (e.g., user preferences).

Tracking the User's Last Visit

The session-tracking subsystem maintains two special pieces of browser-specific state: the last_visit and second_to_last_visit properties (with module acs). last_visit is the time at which the current session started, and second_to_last_visit is the time at which the previous session started. This state (accessible via the ad_last_visit_ut and ad_second_to_last_visit_ut routines) allows client code to determine which material on the site is new since the user's last visit.


One really neat thing about properties is that if secure_p is true (i.e., the secure_p flag was passed to ad_set_client_property - see below) the ad_get_client_property routine will refuse to access the information except when the connection is secure (HTTPS) and the secure token is correct. So the user can switch back and forth between HTTP and HTTPS without giving anything away, and hijackers cannot tamper with any state marked secure (even if they're sniffing for tokens). Note that this only works for session-level state for the moment - browser-level state isn't protected by any kind of token.



ad_validate_security_info [ -secure f ]

ad_verify_and_get_user_id [ -secure f ]
ad_verify_and_get_session_id [ -secure f ]


ad_set_client_property [ -browser f ] [ -secure f ] [ -deferred f ] [ -persistent t ] module name value
ad_get_client_property [ -browser f ] [ -cache t ] [ -cache_only f ] module name


The heart of the new security system is ad_validate_security_info, which examines the session information (including the user ID), returning 1 if it is valid or 0 if not. This procedure takes an optional switch, -secure, taking a argument. If -secure is true, the session won't be considered valid unless it's being conducted over HTTPS, and a valid secure token was provided (useful, e.g., for e-commerce applications). Typically client code will call ad_validate_security_info before doing anything else, redirecting or returning an error message if the session is deemed invalid. The semantics of ad_get_user_id and ad_verify_and_get_user_id remain the same: ad_get_user_id does absolutely no checking that the user ID isn't forged, while ad_verify_and_get_user_id makes sure the user is properly logged in. Correspondingly, the new routine ad_get_session_id returns a session ID (which may be forged), whereas the new routine ad_verify_and_get_session_id first verifies that the token is valid. Both verify routines take an optional -secure switch, taking a Boolean (t/f) argument defaulting to f; if true, only secure (HTTPS) connections will be considered valid.

ad_set_client_property is used to set a session- or browser-level property. It takes three arguments: a module name, the name of the property, and the value of the property. In addition, the Boolean -browser switch, defaulting to f, determines whether the property should be persistent (i.e., browser-level); and the -secure switch, defaulting to f, determines whether the property should only be transmitted when a valid, secure session is in place. If it is supremely important that the property be set quickly, with no immediate database access, use -deferred t, causing the database hit to be deferred until after the HTTP connection is closed (so ad_set_client_property will return immediately). If the data should never be written to the database, use -persistent f.

ad_get_client_property retrieves a property. It takes two arguments: module name and property name. Like ad_set_client_property it takes the optional -browser switch, defaulting to f. ad_get_client_property maintains a cache; to force the cache to be bypassed (in case accuracy is supremely important) specify -cache f. If only the cache should be queried (a database hit should never be incurred) use -cache_only t. If the property is not marked secure, ad_get_client_property does no checking to make sure the session is valid - it is the caller's responsibility to do this (usually using ad_validate_security_info).

Future Enhancements

We plan on modifying these cookies to support clusters of servers, i.e., sharing sessions amongst servers in a common domain (*


This document (and the new security subsystem) ties together ideas introduced by lots of people, including: Thanks for their help and code!