ArsDigita Archives

Magic Files

ACS Documentation : ACS Administrator's Guide : Magic Files
You will probably want to customize all of the following files:
  • /global/copyright.adp explains the site's copyright policy
  • /global/server-busy is served by AOLserver when the threads are stacked up (presumably because the RDBMS is overwhelmed)
  • /global/file-not-found is served by AOLserver when the user hits a non-existent URL; presumably this will contain some search tips
  • /global/unauthorized is served by AOLserver when the user hasn't typed in a valid HTTP username/password (this shouldn't really ever be part of the user experience since the ArsDigita Community System doesn't use HTTP usernames/passwords)
  • /global/forbidden is served by AOLserver when the nsperm system isn't happy and refuses to say why (not sure why this should ever happen)
  • /global/error is served by AOLserver when it chokes on a Tcl API program or CGI script
  • /global/privacy.adp is the site's privacy statement.
  • /global/legal.adp is the site's legal statement.